Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

The Lord of the rings is a tree part seris The Fellowship of the Ring, The twin Towers, and The return of the king. The fellowship of the Ring is the first book in this series. The bookes were written by J.R.R Tolken. The book is about a hobbit wich is a littel miget person that stumbels across a ring. the ring is known as the ring of power. Way back in the day the ring was forged by a evil being known as Saron. the ring was used by him in battel until Saron was seperated from the ring. the ring was taken to a valcano in Mordor by a human but the ring over took him and he would not destroy it. then the human was killed and the ring was lost until billbo came acrossed it. billbo was a hobit and he keep the ring for many years until he decided. Billbo pase the ring down to frodo. in the mean time there was a army forming in mordor and its purpose was to destroy everyone and take back the ring. as a reslult of this gandolf who was a wizard and frodos good frinend decided that they needed to take the ring to mordor and destroy the ring so they packed up and were on there way. on the way the ran in to some frinds Sam, Mary, and Pipen who were also hoditts. along the wat they also ran into some not so frindly beings called ring rathes who stabed frodo and tried to kill them but they escaped with the help of erogon who was a forest ranger. after a few more days and the help of an elf they made it to the land of the elves and there the fellowship of the ring was created. After they were at the land of the elves for a while they set off on there journy. They traveled through the minos of morrior and got atacked by orcks. when they were trying to get away they were attacked and Gimali was killed. after they made it through the mines they came accrose some more orcks and Feramer who was part of the fellowship died, Marry and Pippen were tacken by the orcks, and Sam and Frodo escaped with the ring on a boat. what was left of the fellowship continued on there journey.

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